Lovebird Room
    POINT !
  • 객실유형 : 복층 / 66.55㎡
    집기시설 : 방, 화장실, 1층 대형거실, 2층 소형거실, 전자렌지, 주방용품, 바베큐장
  • A natural interior for you
    On a trip to meet a pleasant respite! Make pension in memories.
  • A special room for you
    On a trip to meet a pleasant respite! Make pension in memories.
  • I was bored and needed a change of pace.
    The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.
  • Kitchen Fixtures
    The kitchen has a sunny breakfast nook.
  • [bathroom]
    The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.